
for Cultivators

Increase cultivation efficiency

It takes a carefully chosen rear roller to make sure that soil is cultivated properly. Rollers are selected based on the type of soil and the desired end result.


    Crushing and compacting

    Wał rolniczy krusząco-ugniatający, przystosowany jest do pracy na wszystkich typach gleb, zapewniając optymalne warunki przygotowania gleby przed siewem roślin. Zapewnia jednocześnie dobre kruszenie brył glebowych, zagęszczenie górnych warstw gleby, przy jednoczesnych spulchnieniu powierzchni gleby, zapobiegającej jej wysychaniu. Wał w agregacie z broną talerzową przyczyni się do poprawy efektów przygotowania gleby w uprawach uproszczonych.

    LTX rubber

    The roller leaves the soil in strips: it improves the conditions for water and gas exchange in the soil. The roller is recommended for stony, moist soil with a high amount of organic matter. The roller leaves optimal soil conditions for sowing. One of the more versatile shafts. The roller has cleaning scrapers made of hardened boron steel, installed on the beam.

        V-ring cultivating roller

        The advantage offered by a cutting roller is improved crushing and consolidating of soil, thanks to the use of tapered rings. The harrow, installed between rings, levels the field and cleans the gaps between rings. The roller consolidates soil in strips, which improves water penetration. It is the best option for dry and heavy soils.

        DD type heavy roller

        It is a ring roller with sharp ridges, which enables the consolidation of soil at greater depths. The roller is excellent at crushing lumps of earth, while its significant weight presses rocks into soil. It is suitable for working on heavy and rocky soils characterised by large amounts of organic matter. The roller has cleaning scrapers. The roller consolidates soil in strips. It improves the conditions of water and gas exchange in soil.

            Heavy Type DD - heavy duty

            It is a heavy roller that guarantees excellent crushing and squeezing of soil – soil is consolidated in strips. The roller is suitable for heavier and wetter soils. The roller has a harrow installed between its rings, which cleans and levels the field.

            String roller

            It operates well on light and medium soils and it is intended for levelling and consolidating the surface of soil, after the main unit has completed its work. It provides a slight crushing effect and smashes larger lumps of earth. The roller can also operate as a support, when the working depth of the machine is adjusted.

                Tubular roller

                This roller is ideal for dry and non-sticky soils. The roller has solid tubular profiles. It guarantees good consolidation of soil. It provides a slight crushing effect and smashes larger lumps of earth. It is a lightweight roller that comes at a competitive price. It guarantees precise maintenance of the working depth of machines.

                Packer teethed roller

                It is perfect for any type of soil. The roller makes consolidates soil in strips. It improves the conditions of water and gas exchange in soil. It is recommended for rocky and humid soils, characterised by large amounts of organic matter. The roller guarantees optimum soil conditions for sowing. It is one of the most complete all-round types of rollers. The roller has cleaning scrapers made of hardened boron steel, installed on the beam.

                    U-box roller

                    It is a heavy roller that guarantees excellent crushing and squeezing of soil – soil is consolidated in strips. The roller is suitable for use with heavier and more humid soils. The roller has a harrow installed between its rings, which cleans and levels the field.

                    U-box double roller

                    U box packer designed for breaking up aggregates of heavy soils with a high degree of lump drying. The roller gives a sensational quality of subsoil preparation and levelling, allowing for a simplified sowing.

                        Spring roller

                        Spring rollers are particularly suitable for shredding lumps of earth and levelling the field. Thanks to their design, spring rollers do not collect sticky soil on their surface. There are harrowing elements installed between the spring rings of the roller. The roller is intended for consolidating soil at greater depths and for the simultaneous loosening of the surface layer. The flexibility of the springs guarantees uniform consolidation of soil, within it’s entire working width, while the roller has a self-cleaning capacity. The roller is intended for operating on medium and heavy soils.

                        Wheel tyre roller

                        The roller is comprised of wheels (185/65/15 4PR). The roller has been designed for two purposes: consolidating soil and transporting a machine supported on the wheel tyre roller, thus enabling its coupling with a tractor of reduced capacity.

                          Double teeth roller

                          Double teeth roller with diameter 500 mm, hydraulically adjustable, is used for heavy soil and mediumloamy soil with long term of simplify cultivation. This roller is used for breaking soil as well as vegetal slivers, moreover helps to keep high soil fertility and supports soil infiltration which ensures better root growth. This roller causes surface land improvement to depth of 15 cm that helps to increase harvest on faulty soil till 30%.
                          ROLLER type
                          Soil type and moisture
                          - chernozem
                          - silty and humusous soils
                          - black soil
                          - redzinas
                          - humus-rich brown soils
                          - brown soils with podzolic gley soils
                          - degraded chernozem
                          - sandy loams
                          - brown and black earth redzinas
                          - peat-moorsh soils
                          - peat soiils
                          - rusty soils and podzols
                          - rankers
                          - very shallow redzinas
                          - very lightweight soils and heavy soils
                          - waterlogged soils
                          Watering Crushing Alignment
                          Heavy Type DD
                          Watering Crushing Alignment
                          Heavy Type DD - heavy duty
                          Watering Crushing Alignment
                          Watering Crushing Alignment
                          LTX rubber
                          Watering Crushing Alignment
                          Crushing and compacting
                          Watering Crushing Alignment
                          Watering Crushing Alignment
                          Toothed Packer
                          Watering Crushing Alignment
                          Watering Crushing Alignment
                          U-BOX double
                          Watering Crushing Alignment
                          Watering Crushing Alignment
                          Tyre wheel
                          Watering Crushing Alignment


                          Rodzaj adaptera
                          Very good
                          Not recommended

                          We recommend ours cultivators

                          Nasze maszyny uprawowe zostały stworzone z myślą o waszej wydajności. U nas znajdziesz maszyny o zróżnicowanych parametrach, dostosowanych do wymagań różnorodnych gospodarstw.

                          U710 RAVEN

                          Disc Cultivator

                          Working width 4,5; 6; 7 M

                          U490 NOVALIS TRIO

                          Stubble Cultivator

                          Working width 3; 3,5; 4,2 M

                          MEGA U910 + U786

                          Modular “MEGA” system

                          Working width 8 M
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